Thursday, May 8, 2008

take-over party... and THANK YOU

I cried for the first time for so many years on NatPlanCo during take-over party - Ivo, Steli and Milenski were speaking about the 0708 term and I just couldn't stop my tears...strange - as if my AIESEC XP is finishing, as it is my last year here... I know I have one more amazing year with bigger challenges and adventures...

this was the most beautiful time in my life - incredible, dynamic, crazy, with a lot of new wonderful people, love, inspiration, self-discovery, changes, challenges, failures, smiles, success and big proud in the you cannot cry at this moment

I'm so sad you guys are leaving - will miss u so much, for sure without you that year wouldn't be the same - Ivo (for constant moral support and advice, jokes, sharing and trip in Istanbul:), Steli (for the lessons of professionalism and wonderful work together), Aga (for everything, conferences, long talks, parties, learnings), Milenski (for the great attitude, support and relaxing talks)
You just did a great thing!

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