Saturday, May 17, 2008

EB beer and THANK YOU :)

this week we had this cool going out with Dancho and Petya - to see each other in the end of the term, to talk, to share, to gossip...It is really interesting how one year can change the people, at the same time we are the same but different...

Thank you very much for the wonderful time, hope we'll manage to do it again :)
I won't say final words for the term, cause it is not finished yet, and I am not in that mood (otherwise the post would've been little bit sad:)

Thursday, May 8, 2008

take-over party... and THANK YOU

I cried for the first time for so many years on NatPlanCo during take-over party - Ivo, Steli and Milenski were speaking about the 0708 term and I just couldn't stop my tears...strange - as if my AIESEC XP is finishing, as it is my last year here... I know I have one more amazing year with bigger challenges and adventures...

this was the most beautiful time in my life - incredible, dynamic, crazy, with a lot of new wonderful people, love, inspiration, self-discovery, changes, challenges, failures, smiles, success and big proud in the you cannot cry at this moment

I'm so sad you guys are leaving - will miss u so much, for sure without you that year wouldn't be the same - Ivo (for constant moral support and advice, jokes, sharing and trip in Istanbul:), Steli (for the lessons of professionalism and wonderful work together), Aga (for everything, conferences, long talks, parties, learnings), Milenski (for the great attitude, support and relaxing talks)
You just did a great thing!